2013 SEO Recap: Changes and Updates

It has been a wild ride in terms of changes and updates from Google and SEO as a whole. The most noticeable change is encrypted search and the removal of keyword data in Google Analytics. With tweaks to the already evolving Penguin and Panda algorithms, Google put into flight a brand new algorithm called “Hummingbird.” Google has taken a major focus on fighting spam websites and “grey hatters” with the recent updates to its ever changing algorithm. The need for a managed online presence has never been more in demand than now.

Encrypted Search – Your Searches Are Safe With Us

Google has made all searches encrypted for the privacy of online users. A noticeable change to Google Analytics reporting is the removal of data regarding the “keywords” searchers used to find a website. Without this data, only PPC campaigns will provide information on what and how people are searching.

Hummingbird – Precise and Quick

In September of this year, Google unveiled Hummingbird, the newest addition to the algorithm family. The sole purpose of Hummingbird is to give online users better results when asking questions and to deliver great content to the rapidly growing mobile market. You are probably wondering, “Was I affected by this update?” The easiest way to find out is answer these two questions: 1. “Have I ever taken content from another website?” and 2. “Have I rewritten content from another site, to try to make it my own?” If you answered yes to either of those questions, this update will negatively affect your search rankings.

No More Tricking Google

If you attempt to find ways to deceive the world’s biggest search engine, you’re wasting your time and effort. It’s all about concrete facts and proof that you are the expert in your field. Gone are the days where you would show on the first page of Google for simple terms like “eye exams.” Simply having a page on “Eye Exams” on your website does you no good. Google wants to see a custom page proving you’re an expert in providing eye exams.

Hire a Professional

When it comes to your web presence, internet marketing is getting more important and more complex by day. Creating new content that’s valuable, relevant, and newsworthy can take hours of your time. We understand what search engines want to see in terms of new, relevant, credible content. Let iMatrix take care of the technical details, so you can focus on your business and patients. Find out how we can help your practice succeed; call 1-800-IMATRIX to speak to an Internet Consultant today.

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